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what a dream!!!

last night i just did have a wonderful dream...
and, i just didn't see that coming!

it started when...
there was this senior at my school
he is soooo hot! named BOBY
it's obvious 'cause everybody says that too

' why is there someone that cute in this world? '

so i was thinking off him all day and...
i just got that dream.

so, the dream was

i was ONLINE on my messenger  [it's yahoo messenger :: , add me]
so then, that everyone never noticed was,
he IM-ed  me..
and for another dream that night, i was his GF??

actually, i think he is so keeping himself alone
and i can't find his FS account
he is so mysterious!!

but i'm not getting like 'IN LOVE' with 'em or what
'cause my life is only ray...:))

so the one who is really curious of him is my friend, TARA
she does that hair thing when he comes
like when a time was, ' tara, ka BOBY tara, ka BOBY!!! '
then she started to fix her hair...
then we actually said that BOBY is ' the hands from heaven... '

after everything like that, we have our own CODE for 'em
like ' OMG!!! it's CODE BLUE! CODE BLUE! ' i said
' where? where? ' she was like in passion to see him

funny moments with friends...
and it'll last forever...
and ever...

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